Wednesday, 27 February 2013

cookie fail

What could be better than a cookie recipe that only needs two ingredients? 

I've seen this recipe for a two ingredient cookie knocking around the internet for a while now and after a morning in the library and little food in the house thought it sounded great. All it calls for is a cup of quick oats and two over ripe mashed bananas, which you mix together with any additions you fancy (I added some chocolate and nuts, already doubtful it would taste nice) and bake for 15 minutes. 

Whey they came out the oven they looked and smelt good. They did not taste it. I'm not quite sure what went wrong (if it could with so little to really get wrong) but they were oddly chewy and dry and generally unpleasant in both taste and texture. I wouldn't try this one at home. 


  1. These do actually sound great. Worth a second try?

  2. The texture was too odd for me so I'm not sure I would, but they use so few ingedients they may be worth a go.
